
We are loo­king fou you!

Dis­co­ver our cur­rent vacancies

  • Tech­ni­cal sales con­sul­tant for pow­der coa­tings (m/f) in field service
  • Wareh­ouse employee (m/f) at the Michel­bach an der Bilz site


Send your app­li­ca­ti­on to


Dis­co­ver our cur­rent vacancies

For the sales area North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia we are loo­king for a 

Tech­ni­cal sales con­sul­tant for pow­der coa­tings (m/f) in field service 

What you can expect 

As a con­ta­ct per­son, you advi­se our cus­to­mers in the metal­wor­king indus­try. 
You are respon­si­ble for the acqui­si­ti­on of new cus­to­mers and the sup­port of exis­ting cus­to­mers. 
In doing so, you will not only sell our cur­rent pro­duct ran­ge, but also per­cei­ve mar­ket needs and trends. 

What we expect 

In addi­ti­on to tech­ni­cal or com­mer­cial trai­ning, you have in-depth know­ledge of the indus­tri­al coa­ting sec­tor. 
You have sales expe­ri­ence in the field of pow­der coa­tings or indus­tri­al coa­tings. 
You are able to build trus­ting cus­to­mer rela­ti­ons­hips and use your sales talent to incre­a­se exis­ting sales accord­in­gly. 

What we offer 

A chal­len­ging area of respon­si­bi­li­ty with a high degree of per­so­nal respon­si­bi­li­ty in a small, team-ori­en­ted com­pa­ny. 
The remu­ne­ra­ti­on can be incre­a­sed at any time through suc­cess­ful sales of our pro­ducts. 

Plea­se send your app­li­ca­ti­on by e‑mail to an die

Wareh­ouse employee (m/f) at the Michel­bach an der Bilz site

To com­ple­ment and streng­t­hen our wareh­ouse team, we are loo­king immedia­te­ly or by agree­ment, an employee in our wareh­ouse at our head­quar­ters in Michel­bach an der Bilz (near Schwä­bisch Hall)

What you can expect 

  • Sor­ting, packing and picking
  • Rece­i­pt of inco­m­ing deliveries
  • Packing of goods, loading and unloading of trucks
  • Accep­t­ance and con­trol of the goods and deli­very documents
  • Pos­ting of orders and goods rece­i­pts in the mer­chan­di­se manage­ment system
  • Trans­port and mate­ri­al move­ment with indus­tri­al trucks
  • Gene­ral wareh­ouse and recei­ving acti­vi­ties, etc.
  • Wareh­ouse organization
  • Inven­to­ry check as well as coope­ra­ti­on in stock­ta­king

What we expect 

  • Rele­vant work expe­ri­ence, ide­al­ly in a recei­ving envi­ron­ment desi­red but not required.
  • Phy­si­cal fitness
  • Care­ful and respon­si­ble way of working
  • Resi­li­en­ce and flexibility
  • Relia­bi­li­ty
  • Abi­li­ty to work in a team
  • High com­mit­ment

What we offer

  • A long-term coope­ra­ti­on (per­ma­nent employ­ment after the pro­ba­tio­na­ry period)
  • A gre­at team in a fami­ly environment
  • VWL/deferred com­pen­sa­ti­on (e.g. Job­bike or BAV) after the pro­ba­tio­na­ry period
  • Secu­re job with con­ve­ni­ent working hours (Mon.-Thurs. 08:00 — 17:00, Fri. 08:00 — 16:00)
  • 13th mon­th salary


Plea­se send your app­li­ca­ti­on by e‑mail to