
Strong part­ners gua­ran­tee hig­hest quality

We have made it our busi­ness to be a full-ran­ge sup­plier in the field of pow­der coa­ting for our cus­to­mers. By estab­li­shing stra­te­gic part­ners­hips and con­stant­ly expan­ding our port­fo­lio, we can ser­ve our cus­to­mers as a cen­tral point of con­ta­ct. Tog­e­ther with our part­ners, we offer our cus­to­mers all sta­ges of the pro­cess chain, from plant con­struc­tion, pre-tre­at­ment, mas­king and, of cour­se, pow­der coating. 
PPG Indus­tri­al Coa­tings Polen/Italien

We are the sole and inde­pen­dent dis­tri­bu­tor of pow­der coa­tings for PPG in Germany.


In the field of pow­der coa­tings, espe­cial­ly spe­cial colors, we are the dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ner for Ger­ma­ny for the Ita­li­an com­pa­ny Colore.


With Euro­therm we have gai­ned a stra­te­gic part­ner in plant engi­nee­ring and construction


Pro­Coat is our part­ner for mul­ti­me­tal wet che­mi­cal pretreatments

Glo­bal Mask International

The Spa­nish com­pa­ny Glo­bal Mask is our dis­tri­bu­ti­on part­ner in the field of mas­king (accord­ing to customer’s spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons based on 3D printing).

Plas­coat Europe

For Plas­coat we are the part­ner in the field of ther­mo­plastic pow­der coa­tings and polyethylenes.


Das SEL­EMIX-Sys­tem ist geeig­net für alle Arten der Ober­flä­chen­be­schich­tung, sowohl für den indus­tri­el­len als auch für den hand­werk­li­chen Bereich.