abre tech­nik

Your reli­able part­ner in the pow­der coa­ting industry


Our spe­cial offer 

We are hap­py to pre­sent you with our spe­cial offer inclu­ding assor­ted pro­ducts of our new­ly acqui­red part­ner Bull­c­rem Lack. Des­pi­te its young com­pa­ny histo­ry, Bullcrem’s manage­ment team has 20 plus years of expe­ri­ence in the pro­duc­tion of pow­der coat. Bull­c­rem Lack stands for Qua­li­coat qua­li­ty pro­ducts at an afford­a­ble price.

Our spe­cial offer is valid as long as stock is avail­ab­le. Plea­se order with the respec­ti­ve item code or sim­ply say spe­cial offer products.

Dis­co­ver the latest news 

Accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 8044- 2020, cor­ro­si­on is the reac­tion of a metal­lic mate­ri­al with its envi­ron­ment, which cau­ses a mea­sura­ble chan­ge in the acti­ve sub­s­tance and can lead to impairment of the func­tion of a metal­lic com­po­nent or an ent­i­re system.

The new ENVIROCRON UltraX™ com­bi­nes ultra­dura­ble wea­the­ring per­for­mance with effi­ci­ent manu­fac­tu­ring pro­ces­ses and gro­wing envi­ron­men­tal awa­reness. The low tem­pe­ra­tu­re sys­tem with speed-cure opti­on can signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce through­put times in the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess and thus incre­a­ses productivity.

With ENVIROCRON® P8 Seri­es Anti-Graf­fi­ti, har­sh clea­ners and che­mi­cals don’t stand a chan­ce. The spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped hybrid pow­der coa­ting for inte­rior app­li­ca­ti­ons defies even the har­s­hest clea­ners and impres­ses with excel­lent anti-graf­fi­ti pro­per­ties. In addi­ti­on, the­re is no trace of sur­face dama­ge or graf­fi­ti resi­du­es. At the same time, ENVIROCRON P8 Seri­es Anti-Graf­fi­ti uses har­de­ners without blo­cking agents NIA* and thus, is spe­cial­ly for­mu­la­ted without CMR** sub­s­tan­ces com­pa­red to other pro­ducts on the market.

Rich colors with mat­te, pre­mi­um finis­hes are tren­ding in the archi­tec­tu­ral mar­ket. The uni­form­ly fine tex­tu­re of the coa­ting crea­tes a soft, mat­te finish and gives solid colors an ele­gant, sophisti­ca­ted and con­tem­pora­ry metal­lic look. Twen­ty of the most popu­lar hues in mat­te finis­hes are now in stock for immedia­te supply.

Rich colors with mat­te, pre­mi­um finis­hes are tren­ding in the archi­tec­tu­ral mar­ket. The uni­form­ly fine tex­tu­re of the coa­ting crea­tes a soft, mat­te finish and gives solid colors an ele­gant, sophisti­ca­ted and con­tem­pora­ry metal­lic look. Twen­ty of the most popu­lar hues in mat­te finis­hes are now in stock for immedia­te supply.

For more than 30 years, PPG has pro­vi­ded manu­fac­tu­rers and cus­tom coaters with world-class pow­der coa­tings that com­bi­ne beau­ti­ful finis­hes with excep­tio­nal pro­tec­tion per­for­mance while limi­t­ing impact on the envi­ron­ment. A com­pre­hen­si­ve mix of acry­lic, epo­xy, poly­es­ter, epo­xy-poly­es­ter hybrid and ure­tha­ne coa­tings give our cus­to­mers the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and cus­to­miz­a­ti­ons they requi­re to meet their deman­ds. (see PDF for more)