Cor­ro­si­on Pro­tec­tion Products

Cor­ro­si­on Pro­tec­tion Products

Our anti-cor­ro­si­on pro­ducts help to pre­vent dama­ge that can occur to metal­lic com­pon­ents due to cor­ro­si­on. Com­ple­te cor­ro­si­on resis­tance can never be achie­ved, but with our pro­ducts, if hand­led cor­rect­ly, the speed of cor­ro­si­on attack can be redu­ced to such an extent that dama­ge to the com­po­nent can be lar­ge­ly pre­ven­ted during its ser­vice life.

Typi­cal applications

  • Bright steel
  • Gal­va­ni­zed steel
  • Alu­mi­num

Dis­co­ver Our Plas­coat Series

Plas­coat® PPA 571

High per­for­mance poly­mer blend coa­ting powder

Plas­coat® PPA 571 is spe­cial­ly for­mu­la­ted to pro­vi­de a dura­ble, robust coa­ting on bare steel, gal­va­ni­zed steel, and alu­mi­num for out­door app­li­ca­ti­ons. It is based on an alloy of acid-modi­fied polyolefins. It is halo­gen free and has low smo­ke and toxi­ci­ty when burned.


Indus­tri­al applications

Plas­coat® PPA 571 Seri­es pro­ducts are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use whe­re high cor­ro­si­on resis­tance is requi­red. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Fence and sign posts
  • Fence rails
  • Street fur­ni­tu­re
  • Rai­lings
  • Grand­stand seats
  • KTW pipes
  • Cable trays
  • Gar­den furniture
  • Gut­ter hooks
  • Wire goods

Pro­duct Avai­la­bi­li­ty 

RAL 1000er RAL 1015 RAL 1021    
RAL 3000er RAL 3009 RAL 3020    
RAL 5000er ca. RAL 5015 ca RAL 5017    
RAL 6000er RAL 6005      
RAL 7000er RAL 7001 RAL 7016 RAL 7035 ca. RAL 7046
RAL 8000er RAL 8019      
RAL 9000er RAL 9005 ca. RAL 9006 RAL 9016  


Pro­duct Fea­tures & Performance

  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on and UV resis­tance (inclu­ding salt, sea, sand and sun)
  • Best envi­ron­men­tal per­for­mance: no Bis­phe­nol A (BPA-free), no VOCs, no TGIC, no phtha­la­tes, no iso­cya­na­tes, no halo­gens and no hea­vy metals
  • Excel­lent mecha­ni­cal and che­mi­cal resistance
  • Good electri­cal insu­la­ti­on properties
  • Very low smo­ke emis­si­on in case of fire
  • Sound insu­la­ti­on
  • Easy remo­val of graffiti
  • Excel­lent coverage of edges and welds
  • Excel­lent abra­si­on protection
  • Food and drin­king water approval


Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a varie­ty of pack­a­ging, from mini-packs to 25kg car­tons. Plea­se con­ta­ct us if you requi­re addi­tio­nal pack sizes.


Advan­ta­ges of Plas­coat PPA 571

  • Very dura­ble: regard­less of expo­sure to wea­ther con­di­ti­ons, Plas­coat® PPA 571 ensu­res long life of coated materials
  • Very eco­no­mi­c­al: no pri­mer requi­red and main­ten­an­ce-free for the life of the coated product
  • Safe and reli­able: Coated sur­faces are easy to clean and have a plea­s­ant­ly warm feel
  • Plas­coat® PPA 571 is robust, high­ly resistant and insen­si­ti­ve to salt spray, stone chip­ping as well as extre­me temperatures.
  • Uni­ver­sal and versatile
  • Histo­ry of almost 30 years of pro­ven quality

Plas­coat® PPA 571 has many use cases, inclu­ding fire extin­guis­hers, bat­te­ry troughs, fan shrouds, tanks, school fur­ni­tu­re, shop­ping carts, sta­di­um sea­ting and sub­mer­si­bles. Regard­less of the app­li­ca­ti­on, long-term field tests are avail­ab­le for Plas­coat® PPA 571, sub­stan­tia­ting the product’s out­stan­ding properties

Dis­co­ver Our Pro­Coat Series


Mul­ti-metal pretre­at­ment (chro­me-free)


Pas­siva­ti­on befo­re painting

App­li­ca­ti­on by dipping or spray­ing (chro­me-free)




BRUGAL® TREAT 050 is a pas­sivat­ing agent that impro­ves adhe­si­on and has been spe­cial­ly deve­lo­ped for paint pretre­at­ment. It can be used in paint lines in both spray and dip processes.

BRUGAL® TREAT 050 reacts with the metal sur­face by pas­sivat­ing it, thus impro­ving paint adhesion.

The pro­duct is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for the tre­at­ment of steel and phos­pha­ted steel. Howe­ver, it is also sui­ta­ble for gal­va­ni­zed steel, zamak, alu­mi­num and their alloys.

The pre­pa­ra­ti­on is desi­gned for pain­ting sys­tems with liquid paints, paints in pow­der form and by cata­pho­re­sis. For more infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se con­ta­ct the tech­ni­cal service.




  • Does not con­tain chromium
  • Impro­ves paint adhesion
  • Pre­vents delamination
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • No rinsing necessary
  • Com­pa­ti­ble with a wide varie­ty of liquid or pow­der paints


BRUGAL® TREAT 050 is app­lied by immer­si­on or by spray gun in baths dilu­t­ed with demi­ne­ra­li­zed or distil­led water. No rinsing is requi­red after app­li­ca­ti­on, only dry­ing, after which the pre-trea­ted pro­duct is rea­dy for painting.

The con­cen­tra­ti­on recom­men­ded for the bath is 4–6% by volu­me, depen­ding on the equip­ment and app­li­ca­ti­on system.


If you are inte­res­ted and would like fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on, plea­se con­ta­ct us spe­ci­fi­cal­ly. You can also find out more at mehr hier­zu erfahren.

Dis­co­ver Our PPG Series


Epo­xy seri­es “P5”

PPG’s ENVIROCRON® com­ple­te and defi­ned pri­mer pro­duct port­fo­li­os desi­gned for dedi­ca­ted pur­po­ses inclu­ding dif­fe­rent che­mi­stries for opti­mal anti­cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion of dif­fe­rent substrates.

Pro­duct advantages

  • Excel­lent che­mi­cal resistance
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Spe­cial for­mu­la­ti­ons with and without zinc*.
  • High yield
  • Enhan­ced inter­coat adhesion
  • Good overburna­bi­li­ty
  • Excel­lent edge coverage
Pri­me­ronPri­me­ron Zinc
Pri­me­ron Pro
Pri­me­ron Edge
  • Epo­xy
  • Zinc-pri­mer
  • Epo­xy
  • Zinc free
  • Epo­xy
  • Zinc free
  • Semig­loss
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • ca. RAL 7012
  • Glos­sy
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Low den­si­ty
  • ca. RAL 7005
  • Matt
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Low den­si­ty
  • ca. RAL 7040
  • Meets high stan­dards of cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Meets high stan­dards of cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Low con­sump­ti­on Euro/m2
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • Meets high stan­dards of cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Low con­sump­ti­on Euro/m2
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
Cor­ro­si­on ProtectionExcel­lent
Steel C4 High
With hot dip gal­va­ni­zing: C5
Steel C4 High
With hot dip gal­va­ni­zing: C5
Steel C4 High
With hot dip gal­va­ni­zing: C5

Pro­duct Avai­la­bi­li­ty 

Gloss (60º gloss meter)Low Cure Seri­esMedi­um Tem­pe­ra­tu­reHigh Tem­pe­ra­tu­re
Low: < 30 GU (Gloss Units)P513 Seri­es
Medi­um: 30–70 GU (Gloss Units)P522 Seri­esP512 Seri­es
High: >70 GU (Gloss Units)P531 Seri­esP521 Seri­esP511 Seri­es
Struc­tu­reP53xT Seri­esP52xT Seri­esP51xT Seri­es
Fine Tex­tu­reP53xF Seri­esP52xF Seri­esP51xF Seri­es

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.


Spe­cial pro­per­ties 

  • Low film thickness
  • Low bake
  • Low tem­pe­ra­tu­re
  • Anti scratch
  • High film thickness
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • High fle­xi­bi­li­ty (Tbend=0)
  • Pri­mer with anti-cor­ro­si­on tech­no­lo­gy with/without zinc


Color and metal­lic powders

Avail­ab­le in a varie­ty of uni­form and metal­lic colors. Also avail­ab­le as a clear coating.


Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.


Pack­a­ging Unitserpa­ckungs­ein­hei­ten

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source:

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.


P513G091R-YD Gray — Smooth Matt

Indus­tri­al applications

The gray pri­mer is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by very good cor­ro­si­on resis­tance as well as very good che­mi­cal resis­tance. ENVIROCRON® PCM pow­der coa­tings are typi­cal­ly used as follows:

  • House­hold appliances
  • Alu­mi­num wheels
  • Metal pipes
  • Metal toys
  • Metal office furniture
  • Glass bot­t­les
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Indus­tri­al machinery
  • Bathroom access­ories

Spe­cial properties

Avail­ab­le with dif­fe­rent spe­cial pro­per­ties: 

  • Low film thickness
  • Low bake
  • Low tem­pe­ra­tu­re
  • Anti scratch
  • High film thickness
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • High fle­xi­bi­li­ty (Tbend=0)
  • Pri­mer with anti-cor­ro­si­on tech­no­lo­gy with/without zinc

Color and metal­lic powders

Avail­ab­le in a varie­ty of uni­form and metal­lic colors. Also avail­ab­le as a clear coating.

Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.

Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source:

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.


P511G508R-YD Gray — Smooth Gloss Zinc Free

Indus­tri­al applications

The gray zinc-free pri­mer fea­tures excel­lent acti­ve cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion in very deman­ding envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons. Deve­lo­ped as a deco­ra­ti­ve as well as pro­tec­ti­ve coa­ting for iron sub­stra­tes, it is used as a pri­mer in a 2‑coat pro­cess in exte­rior app­li­ca­ti­ons. The zinc-free pri­mer is used espe­cial­ly for blas­ted iron sub­stra­tes as a sub­sti­tu­te for che­mi­cal pretre­at­ment or hot-dip galvanizing.

Fur­ther­mo­re, the pri­mer is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by very good che­mi­cal resis­tance. ENVIROCRON® PCM pow­der coa­tings are typi­cal­ly used as follows:

  • House­hold appliances
  • Metal pipes
  • Metal office furniture
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Bathroom access­ories
  • Alu­mi­num wheels
  • Metal toys
  • Glass bot­t­les
  • Indus­tri­al machinery


Spe­cial properties

Avail­ab­le with dif­fe­rent spe­cial properties:

  • Low film thickness
  • Low bake
  • Low tem­pe­ra­tu­re
  • Anti scratch
  • High film thickness
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • High fle­xi­bi­li­ty (Tbend=0)
  • Pri­mer with anti-cor­ro­si­on tech­no­lo­gy with/without zinc

The PPG advan­ta­ge

  • Excel­lent mecha­ni­cal properties
  • Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection
  • Good resis­tance to aggres­si­ve che­mi­cal attack
  • Zinc-free for­mu­la­ti­on — bet­ter trans­fer effi­ci­en­cy than zinc-con­tai­ning primers
  • Over­coat mar­ke­ti with mul­ti­ple top­coats inclu­ding poly­es­ter, poly­es­ter high wea­ther resistant and polyurethane


Color and metal­lic powders

Avail­ab­le in a varie­ty of uni­form and metal­lic colors. Also avail­ab­le as a clear coating.

Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.

Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source:

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.


P512G000R-YD Zinc – smooth semi matt

Indus­tri­al applications

The grey zinc pri­mer has an excel­lent resis­tance against che­mi­cal agents and fur­ther­mo­re excel­lent cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion pro­per­ties even in deman­ding envi­ron­men­tal sur­roun­dings. ENVIROCRON® PCM pow­der coa­tings are typi­cal­ly used on:® PCM Pul­ver­la­cke wer­den typi­scher­wei­se wie folgt eingesetzt:

  • House­hold appliances
  • Metal pipes
  • Metal office furniture
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve parts & accessories
  • Fen­cing
  • Alu­mi­num wheels
  • Metal toys
  • Machine­ry
  • Indus­tri­al machinery

Spe­cial properties

Avail­ab­le with dif­fe­rent spe­cial properties:

  • Low film thickness
  • Low tem­pe­ra­tu­re
  • Anti scratch
  • High film thickness
  • Ultra hiding power
  • Enhan­ced edge coverage
  • High fle­xi­bi­li­ty (Tbend=0)
  • Pri­mer with anti-cor­ro­si­on tech­no­lo­gy with/without zinc

The PPG advantage

  •  Excel­lent per­for­mance and cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion up to C5
  • Good resis­tance to aggres­si­ve che­mi­cal attack
  • Zinc-rich for­mu­la­ti­on
  • Low tem­pe­ra­tu­re

Color and metal­lic powders

Avail­ab­le in a varie­ty of uni­form and metal­lic colors. Also avail­ab­le as a clear coating.


Coa­tings and sur­face effects

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of gloss finis­hes and sur­face effects.


Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source:

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.

Dis­co­ver Our Colo­re Series

Pro­duct Seri­es P.4 Epo­xy-Pur Colore®


Colo­re® P.4 is an epo­xy-pur seri­es based on pure epo­xy resin. It is free of hea­vy metals and TGIC. The pow­der coa­ting film after poly­me­riz­a­ti­on has very good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties and good flow cha­rac­te­ris­tics. Fur­ther­mo­re, the seri­es demons­tra­tes excel­lent resis­tance to che­mi­cals (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants…) and excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection.

Indus­tri­al applications

The epo­xy pri­mer white smooth matt, as well as all the other pro­ducts in the com­po­si­ti­on of the seri­es P.4 Colo­re®, can be used only for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for indoor use: Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Resi­den­ti­al and office furniture
  • Electri­cal house­hold appliances
  • Metal shel­ving
  • Machi­ne tools
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothMatt5–10 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60°  

Color and metal­lic pow­ders:  

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg. 



The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct Seri­es P.35 Epo­xy-Pur Colore®

Colo­re® P.35 ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­ting for­mu­la­ted with poly­es­ter resin and light-resis­ting pig­ments. After poly­me­riz­a­ti­on, the pow­der coa­ting film has good resis­tance pro­per­ties with respect to wea­ther con­di­ti­ons and che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants…). Due to its inno­va­ti­ve che­mi­cal natu­re gua­ran­tees anti­cor­ro­si­ve per­for­man­ces signi­fi­cant­ly supe­ri­or to com­pa­ra­ble poly­es­ter products.

Indus­tri­al applications

P.35 Colo­re® seri­es pro­ducts are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use whe­re high cor­ro­si­on resis­tance is requi­red. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Con­struc­tion
    • Metal frames
    • Buil­ding structure
    • Panels for curtain walls
    • Fen­ces
    • Win­dows
    • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use 
  • Etc.
Pro­duct Availability
Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–95 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Rough Tex­tu­reGlos­sy 
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi Glos­sy 
Rough Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.
*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60° 

Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.


Excel­lent cor­ro­si­on protection

Excel­lent che­mi­cal resistance

Resistant to bad wea­ther conditions


Cor­ro­si­on Pro­tec­tion Products


More infor­ma­ti­on about our products