Spe­cial colors

Spe­cial colors

“For spe­cial colors ask Abre“ is our slo­gan. With us, you not only have access to an extre­me­ly broad pro­duct port­fo­lio of all stan­dard RAL colors, in various finis­hes and gloss levels, we are also par­ti­cu­lar­ly strong in the area of spe­cial colors and cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic spe­cial solutions.

Neben den Son­der­far­ben die wir für Sie sofort ab Lager ver­füg­bar haben, kön­nen wir Ihnen Son­der­far­ben in kür­zes­ter Zeit im klein­vo­lu­mi­gen Bereich anbie­ten. Ab einer Min­dest­men­ge für indi­vi­du­el­le Pro­duk­tio­nen von 25kg (bei Metal­lics ab 50kg) sind bei uns alle erdenk­li­chen Son­der­far­ben (Pan­to­ne, Ral Design, Bri­tish Stan­dard, Mun­sell, NCS, Sik­kens etc.) erhält­lich. Dar­über hin­aus sind wir in der Lage auf Basis von Kun­den­vor­ga­ben und –vor­la­gen genau auf die Kun­den­for­de­run­gen abge­stimm­te Far­ben zu entwickeln.

Dis­co­ver our PPG spe­cial colors

“For spe­cial colors ask Abre“, is not just an adver­ti­sing slo­gan, but a lived rea­li­ty. Our PPG’s ENVIROCRON® pow­der coa­tings are aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing, form a dura­ble, uni­form coa­ting and can be pro­du­ced in high or low gloss, in a wide varie­ty of tex­tures and colors, depen­ding on cus­to­mer requirements.

The respec­ti­ve indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­on area is deri­ved from the arti­cle seri­es and ser­ves to pro­tect and coat metal­lic sub­stra­tes for exte­rior as well as inte­rior use. More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on the exact app­li­ca­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts can be found under the respec­ti­ve seri­es wit­hin the pro­duct cate­go­ry, here on our web­site or in the tech­ni­cal data sheet in the down­load area.

Our PPG spe­cial colors avail­ab­le from stock, are the following:

Item NameSurface/Gloss levelItem Code
ca. DB 702Poly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP412I417F-YD
ca. DB 702Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP413I702M-YD
ca. DB 703Poly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP412I419F-YD
ca. DB 703Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP413I002M-YD
Effect 13Poly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP412I327F-YD
Effect 14Poly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP412K333F-YD
Chrom Effect
Chro­me sil­ver 2‑layerIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Smooth GlossyP711I015B-YD
Cop­per AntiquePoly­es­ter Rough TextureP411I261T-YD
Sil­ver AntiqueIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Rough TextureP711K488T-YD
Blue AntiqueIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Rough TextureP711D229T-YD

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source: https://www.ppgindustrialcoatings.com/de-DE/technologies/powder-coatings



For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.

The clear­coat pow­der seals the sur­face and pro­tects the work­pie­ce from impact. Fur­ther­mo­re, such a “finish” with clear lac­quer incre­a­ses the bril­li­an­ce of the colors, is an addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion espe­cial­ly for metal­lic colors and is recom­men­ded for out­door use.

The respec­ti­ve indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­on area is deri­ved from the arti­cle seri­es and ser­ves to pro­tect and coat metal­lic sub­stra­tes for exte­rior as well as inte­rior use. More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on the exact app­li­ca­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts can be found under the respec­ti­ve seri­es wit­hin the pro­duct cate­go­ry, here on our web­site or in the tech­ni­cal data sheet in the down­load area.

Our PPG spe­cial colors avail­ab­le from stock, are the following:

Clear Coat
Item NameSurface/Gloss levelItem Code
Dia­mond Dust TransparentIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Smooth Glos­sy Metallic711.Diamond.M
Gala­xy Dust TransparentIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Smooth Glos­sy Metallic711.GalaxyDust.M
Clear Coat (90–100 Gloss)Poly­es­ter Smooth GlossyP411C115R-YP
Clear Coat (40–50 Gloss)Poly­es­ter Smooth Semi MattP413C007M-YC
Clear Coat (5–10 Gloss)Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP013C900R-YC
Clear CoatPoly­es­ter High GlossyP611C006R-YC

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

Pack­a­ging units

Avail­ab­le in a wide ran­ge of pack­a­ging from mini-packs to 20kg car­tons to 650kg containers.

Image source: https://www.ppgindustrialcoatings.com/de-DE/technologies/powder-coatings

For addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve tech­ni­cal data sheets.

Dis­co­ver our Colo­re spe­cial colors

“Spe­cial colors are our spe­cial­ty“ is our slo­gan. With us, you not only have access to an extre­me­ly broad pro­duct port­fo­lio of all stan­dard RAL colors, in various finis­hes and gloss levels, we are also par­ti­cu­lar­ly strong in the area of spe­cial and effect colors and cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to the spe­cial and effect colors that we have for you immedia­te­ly avail­ab­le from stock, we can offer you spe­cial and effect colors in the shor­test pos­si­ble time and in a small volu­me ran­ge. From a mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions of 25kg (for metal­lics from 50kg) all con­ceiva­ble spe­cial and effect colors (Pan­to­ne, Ral Design, Bri­tish Stan­dard, Mun­sell, NCS, Sik­kens etc.) are avail­ab­le from us. In addi­ti­on, we are able to deve­lop colors pre­cise­ly matched to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments based on cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and art­work. (Pan­to­ne, Ral Design, Bri­tish Stan­dard, Mun­sell, NCS, Sik­kens etc.) erhält­lich. Dar­über hin­aus sind wir in der Lage auf Basis von Kun­den­vor­ga­ben und –vor­la­gen genau auf die Kun­den­for­de­run­gen abge­stimm­te Far­ben zu entwickeln. 

Indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­ons 

Due to their natu­re, the pro­ducts of the Colo­re® seri­es are sui­ta­ble for coa­ting and pro­tec­ting metal­lic sub­stra­tes, both indoors and out­doors, depen­ding on the requirements.

Almost any cus­to­mer requi­re­ment can be met, from high che­mi­cal resis­tance to ultra mat­te sur­faces and excel­lent cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion. Typi­cal are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on for the various seri­es include:

  •  Indus­tri­al machinery
  • Agri­cul­tu­ral Machinery
  • Auto­mo­ti­ve
  • Metal joi­ne­ry and metal goods
  • Doors
  • Fen­ces
  • Cam­ping and gar­den equipment/furniture
  • Stan­dard items for com­mon out­door use
  • Resi­den­ti­al and office furniture
  • Electri­cal house­hold appliances
  • Metal shel­ving
  • Machi­ne tools
  • Urban faci­li­ties
  • Rail­road and sub­way stations
  • Con­struc­tion
  • Metal frames
  • Buil­ding structure
  • Panels for curtain walls
  • Fen­ces
  • Win­dows
  • Etc.
  • Indus­tri­al bodywork
  • Fur­ni­tu­re & Street Furniture
  • Kit­chen equipment
  • Etc.

Our PPG spe­cial colors avail­ab­le from stock, are the following:

Item NameSurface/Gloss levelItem Code
SmoothGlos­syAccord­ing to specification
SmoothSemi Glos­syAccord­ing to specification
SmoothMattAccord­ing to specification
SmoothSemi MattAccord­ing to specification
SmoothMetallic/MulticolorAccord­ing to specification
Fine Tex­tu­reGlos­syAccord­ing to specification
Fine Tex­tu­reSemi Glos­syAccord­ing to specification
Fine Tex­tu­reMattAccord­ing to specification
Fine Tex­tu­reSemi MattAccord­ing to specification
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/MulticolorAccord­ing to specification
Rough Tex­tu­reGlos­syAccord­ing to specification
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi Glos­syAccord­ing to specification
Rough Tex­tu­reMattAccord­ing to specification
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi MattAccord­ing to specification
Rough Tex­tu­reMetallic/MulticolorAccord­ing to specification

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.


Color and metal­lic pow­ders 

Für alle ver­füg­ba­ren Stan­dard-RAL-Far­ben und auch Son­der­far­ben wie Pan­to­ne, Ral Design, Bri­tish Stan­dard, Mun­sell, NCS, Sik­kens etc.) nach Vor­la­ge. Son­der­far­ben nach Vor­la­ge mög­lich. Min­dest­men­ge für indi­vi­du­el­le Pro­duk­tio­nen ab 25 kg, Metal­lics ab 50 kg. Ger­ne klä­ren wir im Gespräch ihre Anfor­de­run­gen, zögern Sie nicht uns hier­zu zu kon­tak­tie­ren.  


Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg. 

“For spe­cial colors ask Abre“, is not just an adver­ti­sing slo­gan, but a lived rea­li­ty. Our PPG’s ENVIROCRON® pow­der coa­tings are aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing, form a dura­ble, uni­form coa­ting and can be pro­du­ced in high or low gloss, in a wide varie­ty of tex­tures and colors, depen­ding on cus­to­mer requirements.

The respec­ti­ve indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­on area is deri­ved from the arti­cle seri­es and ser­ves to pro­tect and coat metal­lic sub­stra­tes for exte­rior as well as inte­rior use. More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on the exact app­li­ca­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts can be found under the respec­ti­ve seri­es wit­hin the pro­duct cate­go­ry, here on our web­site or in the tech­ni­cal data sheet in the down­load area.

Our PPG spe­cial colors avail­ab­le from stock, are the following:

Item NameSurface/Gloss levelItem Code
Bril­li­ant GoldPoly­es­ter Smooth Semi GlossyP.14–11108-SM1A
Rosé GoldPoly­es­ter Smooth Semi MattP.14–03120-MA1A
Bril­li­ant Sil­ver ca. RAL 9006Poly­es­ter Smooth Semi MattP.14–71119-MA1A
Spar­k­ling SilverPoly­es­ter Smooth GlossyP.6–71106-GL1A
Titan GreyPoly­es­ter glatt matt metallicP.14–73130-MA1A
Bron­zePoly­es­ter Smooth GlossyP.6–08109-GL1A
Satin Bron­zePoly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP.6–08111-MA3A
Vin­ta­ge BronzePoly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP.6–08110-MA3A
Rust optics 1Poly­es­ter Fine Tex­tu­re MattP.16–08108-MA3B
ca. DB 701Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP.14–330
Effect7Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP.6–481
Pati­naIndus­tri­al Poly­es­ter Smooth MattP.6–483
Chrom Effect
Sil­ver­Star 2‑layerPoly­es­ter Smooth GlossyP.6–502
Antique GoldPoly­es­ter Rough TextureP.11–99104-GL2A
Antique BlackPoly­es­ter Rough TextureP.11–99105-GL2A


Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Seri­es P.27 Fenix NTM Collection

Dull mat­te or ultra mat­te is the cur­rent trend espe­cial­ly among fur­ni­tu­re and kit­chen buy­ers. Becau­se of this, con­su­mer demand for ultra­matt colors is steadi­ly incre­a­sing. The Fenix NTM® collec­tion is about timeless and high qua­li­ty colors that com­bi­ne moder­ni­ty with timeless ele­gan­ce. We have just this pow­der coa­ting of the new Fenix NTM collec­tion in our portfolio.

Expand your pro­duct port­fo­lio with the Fenix NTM® and give your cus­to­mers an addi­tio­nal pos­si­bi­li­ty for individualization.

Due to their che­mi­cal natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.27 Colo­re® seri­es are recom­men­ded for the pro­tec­tion and coa­ting of metal­lic sub­stra­tes for out­door use. For more infor­ma­ti­on on the exact app­li­ca­ti­on of each pro­duct, plea­se refer to the respec­ti­ve seri­es wit­hin the pro­duct cate­go­ry, here on our web­site or in the tech­ni­cal data sheet in the down­load section.

What makes the Fenix NTM® collec­tion so special?

  • FENIX NTM® is a tech­ni­cal and aes­the­tic ans­wer to two trends in inte­rior design: smart mate­ri­als and matt surfaces.
  • Low light reflec­tion, extre­me­ly matt surface
  • Plea­sant haptics
  • Pro­tec­tion against fingerprints
  • Good scratch resistance
  • Avail­ab­le in 15 timeless colors
The clear var­nish pow­der seals the sur­face and pro­tects the work­pie­ce from impact. Fur­ther­mo­re, such a “finish” with clear var­nish incre­a­ses the bril­li­an­ce of the colors, is an addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion espe­cial­ly for metal­lic colors and is recom­men­ded for out­door use. The respec­ti­ve indus­tri­al app­li­ca­ti­on area is deri­ved from the arti­cle seri­es and ser­ves to pro­tect and coat metal­lic sub­stra­tes for exte­rior as well as inte­rior use. More detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on on the exact app­li­ca­ti­on of the indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts can be found under the respec­ti­ve seri­es wit­hin the pro­duct cate­go­ry, here on our web­site or in the tech­ni­cal data sheet in the down­load area. 
Item Name Surface/Gloss level Item Code
Clear Coat Blue Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.15–192
Clear Coat Brown Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.1–73111-GL1Z
Clear Coat Ciclamino Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.15–187
Clear Coat Cop­per Orange Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.6–08105-GL1Z
Clear Coat Lime Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.1–11108-GL1Z
Clear Coat Violett Poly­es­ter Smooth Glossy P.12–04101-GL1Z
Clear Coat Poly­es­ter Smooth High Glossy P.21–00100-GL1Z
  Pack­a­ging units The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­duct seri­es P.19 Pe-pa Colore®

Colo­re® P.19 is a ther­mo­set pow­der coa­ting seri­es, free of hea­vy metals and TGIC. The seri­es has a medi­um reac­ti­vi­ty. After poly­me­riz­a­ti­on, the pow­der coa­ting film is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by good mecha­ni­cal pro­per­ties and valid resis­tance to che­mi­cals (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants…). In addi­ti­on, it pro­vi­des coated parts with high ther­mal stability.

Indus­tri­al applications

P.19 Colo­re® seri­es pro­ducts can be used for coa­ting and pro­tec­ting metal­lic sub­stra­tes for indoor use. A wide ran­ge of app­li­ca­ti­ons is the coa­ting and pro­tec­tion of items whe­re high heat resis­tance is requi­red. Typi­cal app­li­ca­ti­ons include:

  • Sto­ve & Grill
  • Oven
  • Lamps
  • Etc.

Pro­duct Availability

Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–85 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60° 

Color and metal­lic powders

Plea­se ask for avai­la­bi­li­ty. Spe­cial colors upon request. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.


Plea­se note that colors with the­se pro­per­ties must be eva­lua­ted accord­ing to their hue.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Pro­dukt­se­rie P.21 Anti-Gra­fit­ti Poly­ure­than Colore®

Colo­re® P.21 is a seri­es of ther­mo­set­ting pow­der coa­tings based on hydro­xyl-satu­ra­ted poly­es­ter resin cross-lin­ked with poly­iso­cya­na­te and light­fast pig­ments. After poly­me­riz­a­ti­on, the pow­der coa­ting film has excel­lent resis­tance to che­mi­cal agents (deter­gents, pro­pel­lants, lub­ri­cants…) and to atmo­s­phe­ric agents.

Indus­tri­al applications

Due to their natu­re, the pro­ducts of the P.21 Colo­re® seri­es are sui­ta­ble for coa­ting and pro­tec­ting metal­lic sub­stra­tes in out­door app­li­ca­ti­ons whe­re high che­mi­cal resis­tance is requi­red. Typi­cal are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on include:

  • Urban faci­li­ties
  • Rail­road and sub­way stations
  • Etc.

Pro­duct Availability

Sur­faceGloss LevelGloss Unit
SmoothGlos­sy71–95 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothSemi Glos­sy51–70 GU (Gloss Units)*
SmoothMatt10–20 GU (Gloss Units)*
Fine Tex­tu­reMatt 
Fine Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 
Rough Tex­tu­reGlos­sy 
Rough Tex­tu­reSemi Glos­sy 
Rough Tex­tu­reMatt 
Rough Tex­tu­reMetallic/Multicolor 

Not all sur­faces and gloss levels are avail­ab­le on stock. Plea­se con­ta­ct us for fur­ther information.

*Gloss mea­su­red at an ang­le of 60° 

Color and metal­lic powders

For all avail­ab­le stan­dard RAL colors and also spe­cial colors accord­ing to tem­pla­te. Mini­mum quan­ti­ty for indi­vi­du­al pro­duc­tions from 25 kg.

Pack­a­ging units

The pro­duct is packed in plastic bags in car­tons of 20 or 25 kg.

Cus­to­mi­zed spe­cial requests can be implemented 

Small bat­ches from 25kg

Fast and flexible


Spe­cial colors


More infor­ma­ti­on about our products